On Monday, my Mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, Katy, Joey and I went to the Point Defiance Zoo. My MIL and Katy have never been and I have, but such a long time ago.
Joey as been to the San Francisco Zoo, but this time he was way more interested in the animals.
Weirdly enough though, there were not a ton of animals there at all. I don't know if they were sleeping or it was an off day, but they seemed to be missing.
My MIL even said so cutely...."where are the animals at?"
Non the less we had such a great time. Katy rode a camel and Joey insisted on calling her "Kiwi" the entire time. Poor Joey had to sit in a stroller most of the time, mainly b/c he has a tendency of running away. When we did have him out of the stroller and into his 'puppy pack leash' he tried to climb into some of the exhibits. Yeah...that would be my son. =)
The animals we did see where really cool and they had a really neat Kid's area for Joey to run around in. Although I feel really bad for all the kids he "ran over" trying to look at everything. =)
Climbing out of the shark teeth, he wouldn't pose for the picture.
Grandma did a good job at posing. Doesn't she look fabulous?
Looking at the ginormous fish tank!
That cloudy residue you see would be the Walrus pooping
Looking at the Dolphins
Petting the goat at the kid's petting zoo.
Trying to kiss the goat. Oh geez!!!
Tunnel shot
Climbing out of the Sea Urchin Thingy
"Hanging" out with "Kiwi" on the spider web.
Waiting for one of our collector pennies to come out of the machine.
Riding the carousel
So I totally made fun of my MIL for bringing this hat to the Zoo, but guess who ended up wearing it the entire time???? Oh yes, that would be ME!!!
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