Well not really, but Josh and I definitely felt pressed for time the couple of days before the 24th and 25th.
Josh took his "Santa" duty pretty seriously this year and I dedicated every free minute to making some of the gifts.
We started out the the Christmas Season trimming the tree and decorating with lights out doors. The latter took over 3 weekends to do because someone kept adding to the display. =)
Of course a visit to Santa was in place, including a presentation of Joey's "collage" Christmas list.

A Christmas lights drive with Hot Cocoa.
Check out this awesome light display we found. The picture doesn't do it justice.
Joey handed out his very own Christmas Cards and candy cane to his preschool friends.
And we can't forget to the Christmas Pageant his preschool put on. We were so proud of his singing skills.
It got a little weird on Christmas Eve Eve when Josh set up his wrapping station. Is it bad that he wraps gifts better than I do?
No Christmas Eve at the Callon's is ever complete without a Family Shooter.
Goofy Callon's.
Santa came by on his sleigh to recheck his nice list before setting out to deliver presents.
We couldn't forget to leave milk and cookies out for Santa and carrots for his reindeer.
It was a "Silent Night, Holy Night" for Van when he fell asleep under the tree.
Santa was nice enough to leave a thank you note to Van and Joey.
Joey was pretty excited to open Santa's Gifts Christmas morning. Although if you ask him he was more enthralled with Grandpa's gifts. Verdict is out on how "Santa" feels about this revelation.
Van even joined in on the fun of a lobster and steak dinner. Not really. But he did watch us enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner.
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