

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


When I was a kid my mom had a drawer in our kitchen reserved for coupons. Sometimes I would get involved and clip coupons with her. While its always a good idea to clip coupons the organization of having a drawer full of coupons proved to not be conducive. A lot of the coupons in the drawer were expired or just about to go.
My mom was really good with coupons and saving money at the store and in this time of an economic downturn I too want to save money, but feel the need to best utilize coupons and savings!
I just joined a site that helps you pinch every penny you have, within reason. One of the best things you can do is to utilize manufacturers coupons along with instore savings and coupons. Over the past couple of days I have been clipping, searching online and scrounging around my neighbors papers to find the best deals and manufacturer coupons. I cut out/printed the coupons and organized them according to expiration date in my accordion file folder. Yesterday I set out to Walmart to start the savings. One thing I find that when trying to save and get the best deals while grocery shopping is to go it alone. That way you don't have a cranky kid or a husband who, bless his heart, impulse shops. =) While carefully going through the aisles I got up to the check stand and after applying coupons my total went down about nine dollars. Doesn't sound like much, but when my budget for food and groceries is $80, that is almost 1/8 of my budget that I can get more food with. After Walmart I went to the produce stand to pick up fruit and vegetables. Buying local typcially means high savings and yesterday was no different. What I would have spent $20 at the grocery store I got for $10.

While being on a budget isn't the most fun thing in the world I find that being able to see my savings is the most fun and worthwhile of all. It means that although I don't provide monetary funds for the family, I can atleast bring in the savings.