Christmas flew right past this us this year.
With our move and storage snafu, plus Josh's health scare Christmas did not really feel like Christmas at all. =(
If you know us Christmas is kind of a big deal. In years past Josh has been a junior Clark Griswold and I always make a huge attempt to decorate like Martha Stewart indoors. But to say the least, we still had a wonderful Christmas even if it wasn't our typical holiday style. There is always next year to make it even bigger and better.
We spent time with our both of our families this Christmas. The Holiday's this year seemed to be bittersweet for me. After Josh ending up in the ER with Afib, I counted my blessings over and over. I am grateful to have such loving and wonderful family to lean on in these trying times.
As tradition goes we spent Christmas Eve with all the Callon's and feasted on delicious appetizers and drinks and even broke out in Christmas song Karaoke, microphone and all. Joey entertained us with singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, which someday I need to catch him doing it on camera.
Christmas Day was spent going to mass in the morning. We even braved bringing our hyper 2 year old to the mass, but of course it was to the "crying room" for us. Joey did well though. After mass we headed over to my parent's house, but not before a quick run the the only open Starbucks I could find in the Safeway to bring over some delicious coffee treats to the family. We enjoyed a delicious brunch courtesy of my dad and opened presents. We headed home to prepare our place for Christmas Dinner with my parents and my brother and his girlfriend. Cody made the best Chicken Parmesan and built and installed the neatest craft table and shelf for me in our Apartment.
All in all we had a good time spending the most wonderful time of year with our families.
Next year I have some goals to have an even better Christmas. Included in these goals are...
teaching Joey about the nativity scene and of Christ birth.
getting more into the holiday spirit and not be a buhumbug!
attending all masses in the advent season
to all of us being healthy and healed from a crazy 2009.
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