-I have laundered and put away almost all of Baby Callon's clothes. With the mix of all the new and adorable layettes I have received and some of Joey's old clothes I am thinking we are just about ready for his impending arrival. I had a box in my trunk for the longest time that I had left at my parent's house of newborn clothing that was intended to be mailed to a friend (but never did). It really was like Christmas in July going through all of it only to discover that it was the perfect array of sizes for baby as I was lacking pajamas in 0-3 month sizes. I also found several pairs of Robeez that were given to Joey as hand-me downs years back that we never got to use.
-I found a really great hospital tour to take Joey on that is offered through the Multicare Health Systems. It's called a Big Brother/Big Sister class that is geared toward 3-7 year old's and focuses on preparing them to be siblings and all the in's and out's of the the Birth Center along with a tour. It also focus on safety aspects through coordinated activities. I am excited to sign Joey up for this because it's been Josh and I's goal from day one to prepare Joey for the realization that it will not be just him anymore. After all, it's been just about him for the last 4 years. =)
-Baby has been moving like mad and it's become one of our favorite things to watch him somersault and twirl inside the stomach. I can also tell that the baby really responds well to Joey because Joey likes watching him move and will sing to him to wake him up and baby responds. One time Joey had his head on my stomach singing to baby and the baby kicked him. At first Joey was upset and said, "he can't kick me...I don't kick him!" It was hard to explain to him that it wasn't on purpose, but Joey got over it real quick.
-Joey and I enjoyed a nice picnic lunch with Aunt Holly on her lunch break at work. I made delicious turkey sandwiches and we ate those while enjoying the hot sunshine. It's nice to go visit her at work (which is quite close to our house)and be able to visit, even if it's only for a short amount of time.
Afterwards, Joey and I stopped by the perimeter fence outside of McChord/Lewis Base to check out all the planes that were parked out by the runways. Joey was so intrigued to watch the planes and the soldiers walking around on the field. Unfortunately no planes took off while we there, but Joey did get plenty of waves by all the soldiers driving right by the fence.
-To round up the weekend we enjoyed a bbq at Josh's parents house. It was hot, hot, hot but good company was had all around. The kiddie pool was brought out and I am not sure who had more fun with it...Joey or Uncle Robb. We also played ladder golf or hillbilly golf and enjoyed great food. Joey had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's that when we were getting ready to leave an invitation was extended for him to spend the night which was gladly accepted. Joey had such a good time there that he was upset when I came to pick him up the next day.
Your post reminds me that I pre-washed all the month onesies before I put the stickers on them. So they're good to go! :)
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