* How Far Along: 40 weeks exactly.
* Size of baby: Babycenter.com says about 7.5 pounds and 20 inches long. I am guessing this baby is taller than 20 inches though.
* Total Weight Gain/Loss: I am so not giving exact numbers here. For one I don't know that answer and two....because I have at least gained as much weight as I did with Joey.
* Maternity Clothes: Yah...still in those. But the selection is small. Thank goodness the weather has been amazing, I don't have to cram myself into jeans! However, I am thinking a mumu would be perfect attire right about now...Josh would disagree though.
* Gender: A boy. And judging by the intense heartburn I get...a very hairy one.
* Movement: He doesn't move around quite as much, but when he does it is almost painful. There is no room in there for him, so he pokes and prods until he is comfortable. It's been difficult deciphering his regular movement from Braxton Hicks contractions, but I do know that my stomach has never looked more funny then when he stretches out in such a way that my stomach is high peaked on one side and flat on the other.
* Sleep: I dread going to bed at night. Getting to sleep is the hardest part. I sleep best from about 2am on. I can't get into a comfortable position to fall asleep and my new addiction to Words with Friends probably doesn't help either.
* What I miss: I miss feeling healthy and energetic. Not that I am not healthy, but when I get up in the middle of night there are times where I can hardly walk and my knees hurt from the weight gain.
* Cravings: Desserts! I probably have eaten more dessert in the past two months then I have in the past 3 years. Let's just say that Josh makes this delicious Peach Blueberry crumble that I affectionately call the "Gobble Cobbler."
* Symptoms: Heartburn, back pain, Braxton Hicks, swollen feet, ridiculously long and healthy hair.
* Best moment this week: Making it to 40 weeks and not really fussing about today being the due date. I wanted to bake this one as long as possible. With the whole 2 vessel thing it was important for me to make full term with this baby. And with the way things look, perhaps an overdue baby. No big deal though. I am excited to meet him, but am glad to have him develop a little longer.
* What Joey thinks: Sweet Joey is just so eager to meet him. We rented a couple of books from the library about being an older sibling and what happens when a baby comes into the house. His only suggestion is that he doesn't want the baby to cry because that will scare him. Poor Joey, looks like I will be double comforting in a short while.
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