-We bought a new car this week. Traded in our Toyota Camry for a Mazda 5. I haven't even taken a picture of it yet, but I can tell it's going to work out perfectly for our little family. The best part about this car is that it has sliding back doors and captains seats for the car seats to fit in smoothly. It also includes a 3rd row of seats, and the whole back folds down if needed. Joey was pretty adamant about wanting his car seat in the way back, but after trying to install the latch system we realized the way back does not include the anchors needed for his seat. We could easily just use a booster seat since he meets the legal requirements to sit in one, but we invested in a nice harness car seat last summer that will allow him to sit in it up to 85 pounds. Safety first; although I can't imagine Joey will be willing to sit in it once he hits kindergarten, but we can visit that scenario when the time comes.
-I crafted quite a bit this week. I made a present for the assistant director at the daycare I worked for. She is moving up to Bellingham and played such an integral roll in Joey's preschool experience that I wanted to thank her. I made this pencil vase with chocolate dipped Oreo's shaped into apples. Thank you to Pinterest for this idea.
I finally got around to making Joey's travel map for him to hang in his room. It's an on going project that sewing pins and collector travel pins can be added to over time to commemorate his travels.
I also made him this really neat Crayon Wreath (thank Pinterest again). My Mom is notorious for keeping everything, so when we were at her house the other day I dug around in her closets and pulled out a huge box of crayola crayons (from when we were younger) and embroidery hoops from her sewing days (back in the 70's!). With the super powers of a glue gun, this wreath was fashioned together in no time. I am thinking of making monogrammed crayon art for Joey and Baby in their bathroom. I picked up 4 24 packs of Crayola crayons for 39 cents each at the store the other day, so I am in full on kid decorating mode!
-I also am working with Joey on keeping his room and things organized. He just received this HUGE box of Legos from my sister and even though we all told him not to mix any other toy in with the Legos, low and behold he dumped all the contents of his piggy bank and about half of his collection of hot wheels cars into it. Guess who had to go through and sort that out? =)
Last night I helped him clean up his room and put things back where they belong. Beside the fact that his room still looks cluttered, it at least is organized. I immediately took several pictures of his "clean" room. I printed the pictures out and pasted them on a piece of paper and hung it up in his room. This way he has a clear expectation of what I want him to do when he gets sent to his room to pick it up.
-I scored a Babytrend jogging stroller for $10 at a garage sale on Saturday. Actually, my mom scoped it out and I came right over to claim it. The only thing is that they couldn't get the front wheel back on and they gave me full disclaimer that it was "as is." I had no problem with risking $10 for an otherwise good condition jogging stroller. And I knew between the many handymen in my family, one would be able to fix it. The fork was slightly bent, so with a little hand and tool bending, Josh and my Father-in-Law were able to fix it and it works perfectly!
-Yesterday we all headed down to Yelm for a family dinner. Josh's Grandma, Betty flew in on Saturday to visit. Betty is funny in an old lady kind of way. She wanted to watch Jeopardy yesterday, but I had a hard time explaining to here that it didn't come on until 7:30 (it was only 5pm). She argued with me that in California, it came on at 7 and that I was wrong. Here in Washington we do it backwards though. I immediately found the Game Show Network to hold her over until 7 though. Hopefully that worked.
Joey loved talking to her though and showing her all his cool trinkets and treasures. At one point, Robb washed his car in the driveway and almost all of us were out there watching it dry, eating popsicles...except for Betty, she was cold. (It was atleast 85 degrees that day). =)
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