Nursery to do's:
-Sew a car seat canopy
Craft to do's:
-Start preparing Baby Callon's baby book
-Finish Joey's 4th year scrapbook
-Make a family rules board. I like this one below, but need to come up with my own rules.
My OCD completed to do's:
-Label and fill canisters for kitchen use.
I used chalkboard adhesive and a chalk pen to make these really cool and changeable jars.
It's looking a little bulky with all that on the counter so I think the baking ones will go up into the cupboard. I just like how these serve as decor and are helpful organization tools. No longer can Josh ask what kind of cereal is available.
-Organize and color code bookshelf. Say what? I really did this, yah I was bored one day.
Our entertainment center serves as multiple purposes and I haven't really gotten it to where I want it yet. Since it's a catch all for all our media, I want to find a good way to make it look organized and functional without it screaming wires and cords and dusty remotes at me!
Oh and yah, Harry Potter books get their own shelf. =)
p.s. that 'Family' picture frame has been sitting there empty since I bought it this past winter. Apparently I need to find a picture, but I think I will wait until after baby comes.
-One tiny OCD thing I haven't done yet is organize our DVD collection. We bought this really great and huge cd holder meant for DVD's that I need to alphabetize our collection into. The idea is to minimize the bulk of the collection by only sorting the DVD's themselves and tossing the cases. Our collection is one hot mess of disc missing their cases and cases missing their disc, so I really need to get this done asap!
Other odds 'n ends to do's:
-Prep some freezer meals for when baby arrives.
-Pack bags for the hospital.
-Complete my birth plan.
-Go on a hospital tour.
-Order one of these slings from Essie Designs on

I love them both equally, but cannot decide for the life of me! I worry that the flower print is too girly, but seeing that I am the one wearing it, you would think that would be ok. Right? The Guitar one is very hip and I love the fabric as well.
Why can't I decide?
I am sure there is way more I can add to the to do list but these are what I really need to tackle within the next two weeks! Wish me luck.
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