The Season is upon us!
We love, love, love Christmas time around here.
Josh goes all "Clark Griswold".
I try to do some fancy decorations in the house.
Joey makes numerous Christmas list for Santa.
Well, they are more like Christmas list collages cut out from all the store's Toy Books they send out in the Sunday newspaper. Heaven for little boys, and a nuisance for us.
Try as we might, we've explained that a list to Santa is just a suggestion, not a guarantee. For Joey, he thinks it will all be his. We even told him Santa is poor. He counters that the elves make the toys, so it's free. Clever kid. He also makes list for Van too, because "Van asked him to." =)
*Disclaimer- Joey has this new thing where he blinks when the camera flashes. Try as he might, he can't keep his eyes open!
Van just likes looking at the lights on the tree. And eating....and pooping....and snuggling....all the time.
But all is right in this holy season. Going to a Christian Preschool means that Joey learns more and more about Jesus and what Christmas really means. We try to tell him about the Nativity, but it is like he doesn't get it unless it comes from Ms. Biermann. And that is ok. He comes home with a new song to sing every day about Jesus.
We have gotten to the point that at Joey's age we can really start sharing about the meaning of Christmas and he is a full participant in the celebration. I put up the Advent Calendar and he loves counting down the days and getting a special treat each morning. However, he calls the calendar a "calculator" which is really confusing to the people he tells about it.
Equal to his excitement of the calendar is his love for Christmas lights. Josh and Joey spent many cold days outside getting the lights set up just right. With the additional help of Craig and Josh's Dad, the lights are up and look wonderful. Sure there may be some "questionable" lighting set up. For example the plug for part of the Christmas lights comes out of a ginormous light bulb in the garage. But there is something about bright lights that make our hearts happy.
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