This week we have had quite the dumping of snow. Literally!
We had a little bit on Saturday and enough on Sunday to make the drive back from Yelm a little dicey and to make a snowman family on Monday in snow flurries.
Tuesday night was the big night though! Almost all of the west side of Washington State was gearing up for one of the biggest snow storms in a long time.
We are talking big, like we would get the amount of snow in one night that we would normally get in a whole winter.
It snowed most of the night and into Wednesday morning giving us about 6-7 inches of snow.
While we played in the snow on Monday, it was really the only day that was doable to do so.
Cool Snowman family!
Joey loves snow!
Tuesday was wet and slushy while Wednesday was cold and deep.
Today, Thursday is bitter cold and ICY! All of the snow has turned into ice. The tree branches are.....
Notice the left off sentence?
Well today is next Thursday and as I was writing then, we lost power.
Remember when I said the snow has turned to ice? Well all the snow ridden branches on the trees also turned to ice and those heavy branches knocked out power to about 230,000 of us! We were out of power for almost 2 days. The first day was fine. It was kind of fun. We all snuggled up in front of the fireplace as a family, played cards and went to bed early. I woke up fully expecting the power to be back on, but it wasn't. Josh had to go to work so that left the boys and I to ourselves. Joey was getting antsy, Van was fussy and I was going crazy in a dark and cold house. So I packed up the car and attempted to get to my parents house for heat and electricity. I barely made it out of our street. Our cul-de-sac is on a hill and there was so much snow piled up and the city doesn't plow residential streets, so there were big blocks of snow everywhere. My first attempt was pathetic so I backed into the driveway and waited while I watched my neighbors (who were smart and parked their car on top of the hill) walk down to their house. I didn't want them to see me so desperately try to get out and fail. So I used the little area we had shoveled and cleared in our drive and gunned it out. I don't know how but my car glided up that hill like God was pushing it up for me. I never felt so desperate to escape.
Thankfully our power came on the next morning. In the grand scheme of things our situation wasn't too bad. We failed to secure our food in a our fridge and freezer and had to toss it all. But other then spoiled food we were incredibly lucky. We have friends who were out of power for 120+ hours!
Look how all the branches are bared down by the weight of the snow! All day we could hear the limbs breaking.
This picture turned out beautiful but it also shows how all the snow turned to ice real quick!
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