Because nothing around here can gradually come on, I have one kid losing teeth and the other growing them in.
Joey's bottom two teeth have been loose for quite awhile. It didn't seem to bother him that one dangled, so I didn't attempt to remove it.
Naturally on a day where we were super late to preschool his tooth pops out. I was expecting a bloody mess, but surprisingly got little gore and an even littler tooth. Those suckers look a lot bigger in the mouth then they do in your giant hand!
To be honest...I don't know who was more excited about the tooth falling out, Joey or myself; because it sure felt like Christmas day to me.
That little tooth promptly went under his pillow and what do you know? The tooth fairy brings shiny new $2 bills. Pretty sure I only got one dollar as a kid.
Joey was still sleepy when I got a picture of him holding his prize.
Not to be out done or out shown, Van, who seemed to be teething for the better part of 3 months finally popped out the exact tooth (spot) that Joey lost. What are the odds?
*Update 4/21
Joey's second loose tooth fell out. Unfortunately we never found it because the kid somehow managed to swallow it at a restaurant. Good thing the Tooth Fairy accepts notes underneath the pillow explaining where the tooth could be found. She also brought a Hot Wheels car this time. Not gonna lie, this Tooth Fairy seems pretty awesome!
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