For four days we gambled, browsed and hung out Viva La Vegas style. Well maybe not style, since the boys were with us.
Josh browsed around during the day while I enjoyed more of the nightlife. Joey had a blast too and Van just kind of took it all in.
On the first night we took the Monorail over to the MGM and went to our favorite eatery there....McDonald's. Don't diss it, for some reason that McDonald's is the most delicious one ever!
Joey was so amazed by the view from our hotel room.
On the second day Joey, Van and I toured the strip with Grandma and Aunta Deb. I made them go to Yolo's at Planet Hollywood to partake in the most freshest and delicious guacamole ever!
That night we enjoyed a big family dinner at Rain Forest Cafe at the MGM. What a typical family picture!
Seeing that this was more of a family vacation we headed over to Circus Circus to check out the Adventure Dome. Uncle Robb took Joey on so many rides. I don't know who had more fun though. I definitely caught Robb running from ride to ride.
Water ride!
Uncle Zack and Joey playing games.
Andrea and Joey posing with the pirate.
They had the most awesome pool at our hotel!
Guess who was tired after a long day at Circus Circus and the pool?
On the day we had to go home, Joey came down with some sort of illness that kept him in bed or near the toilet most of the day until we had to catch our flight.
But even battling the "sickies" Joey still got the chance to sit in the cock pit while boarding our flight home.
All in all it really was an amazing vacation. Normally when Josh and I go to Vegas it is adults only. Making it work with the boys was a challenge, but to see the excitement on Joey's face and the fact that he always talks about going back to Vegas means he loved it as well!
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