Ewww...I haven't blogged in over a month! Probably because we didn't have internet for 3 weeks. But that is another story.
Funny story.
Joey is sitting on the recliner watching TV and this is how the following conversation goes.
"Mommy, I am trying to put my nail back on."
"You can't do that, Joey, it's impossible."
In my head, my mind starts pondering, when is the last time I cut Joey's nails? He hates clippers, but it's at least been a year. Why are his nails always short then?
"How are your nails so short, Joey?"
"I pick them Mommy." He then starts pointing in various directions. "Over there, and there. Mostly at the dining room table. Sometimes in my room. It's all over the floors."
Flabbergasted <----ME!
He then goes on to say, "Oh Van, when you start crawling you can't crawl over here by Daddy's chair or in my room. You don't wait to eat toe nails or fingernails."
So is my life.
Now I must go vacuum!
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