Today, Van, you are 5 months old! 18.2 pounds. Not too shabby. Is it bad that I wanted you to be really chunky? I measured you as well today, but I think my measurement's were wrong. Either that you or you shrank an inch from last month.
There are weeks when time seems to have frozen the past couple of months but then times like today, it all goes by too quick.
You are a pro at rolling over now and you can out bounce any baby in the jumperoo (I'm sure). You are calm enough to allow Mommy to do a work out everyday and even enjoy the jogging stroller while running at Sparks Stadium.
The other night you slept from 10:30 to 5:30 in the morning. I thought we were on to something, but the last two nights have been long.
Your smiles get me through the long days and equally long nights. Sometimes having you lie on my chest for hours is the best thing; even if it is a 3am.
My dear Van, I love you. I love you. I love you.
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