

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Interview with Joey

Mom: Hello Joey.

Joey: Hi Mommy!

Mom: Thanks for agreeing to this interview.

Joey: What's an interview?

Mom: Anyways....Let's start with names. If you could change your name to anything, what would you change it to?

Joey: Mmmm....let me think. Moby Wheel.

Mom: Ok. What about a real name? Like something another kid may have. What would you pick?

Joey: Fletcher.

Mom: Like Whitney Houston's kid in the Body Guard?

Joey: Yes.

Mom: Solid. Let's move on to the future, shall we? Who are you going to marry when you are older?

Joey: You, Mommy.

Mom: Okay. . . Interesting. When is this happening?

Joey: Not until I get some jobs.

Mom: What kind of jobs?

Joey: Well, I want to be a doctor, and a firefighter.

Mom: Well, that's neat!

Joey: But I also want to be a garbage man and a water pumper man. Yah...those four things.

Mom: Wow, that's a lot of "jobs." Now what about Daddy in all of this? You know I am already married to him.

Joey: Well, we could all be married. Van too.

Mom: Ummmm.....ok. Sounds good?

.....to be continued.


Kara and Colin said...

Hahaha Oh Joey. What would we do without his humor?