

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Joey's first soccer game

Today Joey played in his first indoor soccer game.
Knowing Joey, he was excited, but I think he was more excited to wear shin guards and soccer shoes.
This is evident by the fact that he spent the couple days prior putting them on and wearing them around the house.
Obviously being 5 years old, the expectations of winning and doing good weren't on top of his mind.
So he may have scored a goal, for the other team; and when he made a really awesome attempt to kick the ball in the right goal, the goalie swooped it up and continued play. Joey on the other hand went over to the goalie and gave him a high five. That's my boy. That's good sportsmanship right there, considering his Mom is horribly competitive.
At the end, all the no score was officially kept (his team won) Joey said everyone was a winner. How sweet.