At Christmas time Josh sent me on a treasure hunt which actually included pirate maps, fake gold, and chest which led me to the wonderful treasure of Britney Spears tickets! Whoo hoo! Naturally I thought of the biggest Britney fan I know and that just so happened to be my mother in law so she got the second ticket.
The concert was so much fun! We were about 20 feet away from the stage and was standing only room where we were. We had a great view and definetely had to hold our own when it came to people shoving and pushing to try to squeeze in for a closer look. I felt bad for the girls behind us since we are so tall! Haha.
The show was amazing. I haven't been to a concert in forever!
Naturally we got t-shirts after the concert was over. I heart Britney!
Unfortunately I only got one picture of us the entire night. I goofed and put my camera no the stair case ledge and clumsy me tripped going up to stairs causing the camera to fall off the ledge and break. I so wanted to bring it to take pictures of the concert. I tried taking some with my phone but they didn't turn out nearly as good. Oh well!
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