Joey is officially a two year old. On April 10Th my not so tiny guy officially reached toddlerhood. I was so sad yet so proud of my little man. So much has changed in the past two years. I've never been more happier and I've never met a more happier child.
For his official birthday which was on a Friday my mom, sister, Kara and I took Joey to the Spaghetti Factory. The day started off with Jeffrey the Giraffe calling to wish Joey a Happy Birthday (ToysRUs Kids Club recording)and a healthy meal of cookies for breakfast. Hey you only turn Two once! Once we got to the Spaghetti Factory he enjoyed some ravioli and ice cream. The staff sang Joey Happy Birthday and Joey proceeded to extinguish the candle with his finger. What a tough little man! After lunch we went over to Wrights Park to take some pictures of him. He was more interested in the fish there but I was able to get some pictures of him being oh so cute and adorable!
The rest of the day was filled with some shopping and a special trip to ToysRUs where Joey got a balloon. He was so attached to the balloon that for days after the first thing Joey would do in the morning was go get his balloon and stand there while holding it and drinking his juice. He even held it while trying on my cowboy boots which was so awfully cute!
Joey! Mommy and Daddy love you so very much and we are so proud of you. We can't believe how fast the time has gone but you truly are the best miracle to ever happen to us!
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