Apparently I am still working on updating my blog but I think I need a do over and just go from here. Which means Halloween pictures!
Joey had quite the Halloween. The week began with him being terribly afraid of his costume (Mike Wazowski from Monster's Inc.) At first he wouldn't even let me put it on, but he warmed up to that but immediately would want the costume off. His friend Gabe came over on Friday to decorate cookies and show off Halloween costumes. Joey saw that Gabe had his costume on so he was more than willing to put his on.
Halloween day my mom came over in the morning so we could get our shopping on. I got Joey dressed into his costume and surprisingly enough wore it all day! He even took a nap in it. And he also received a free kids meal at Spaghetti Factory for wearing his costume. SCORE!
As soon as it was dark out we made our way outside to trick or treat. We made it down two streets before we had to turn back and get Joey a band aid for his bloody knuckles. He kept tripping over his costumes feet and took a couple of good spills. The kids was literally running house to house! Once we got in he put his candy bucket down and was playing with more interested in playing with pennies then eating candy so I took that as a sign that we didn't need to go back out and trick or treat more.
Josh handed out candy fully dressed in his Hagrid (Harry Potter) costume. The kids that came to the door where just in awe and a couple of them even stared and couldn't even move. It was really cool to see the kids excited and Josh having the time of his life.
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