

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A new venture

I started something that scares the bejeezus out of me and makes me super nervous.

After a lot of thought and contemplating I started a Mom blog. I knew that I loved to blog and that I had something to say. After narrowing down a couple of options I decided on a blog entitled, Mom of the Year.

It is basically my experience of being a Mom to Joey and talking about the the lighter side of mommyhood. It includes the ins and outs of raising children and also following the notion that every mom aspires to be "Mom of the Year". Of course it's a humorous approach and I talk frequently about "my not so great mommy moments" but I feel like it might be a good outlet for me to contribute to the blog world. At times its candid and revealing which is why I am nervous about the whole thing, but I would kick myself if I didn't start something I really wanted to do. So here it goes!

The link is
Mom of the Year Please come check it out and become a follower if you would like. Down the road I would like to host giveaways and such I hope that you will follow me in this new adventure!


shelley said...

i love the new venture!! bookmarked it in google reader!!

your joey stories crack me up!