I realized that I am terrible at remembering the cute things Joey does in time to write them down or blog about it. Last night, while getting ready for bed Joey said something funny and it made me think about what was the best way to write this. So I came up with a new label, "Stuff my Joey says". Most of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is hilarious. He has a real knack for humor. So here is the first installment of...."Stuff my Joey says"!
"Mommy, why do we have backs? Why do we have shoulders? Why is my hair spikey? What is that? What is this? Mommy, why am I not allowed to smell my butt?"
Me: "Joey, we are not allowed to touch people's butts or boobies, it's inappropriate."
Joey: Starts laughing hysterically..."Mommy, you said boobies!"
Post Lunch
"Mommy, may I have my Chocolate Easter Bunny?
"No, you can't."
"Mommy, why don't you love me all the days?"
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