-Creativity is bursting in me in the forms of decorating. My task at hand is to find a way to make our office a nursery/office/craft room without it really looking like the latter two. I am pretty set on having the capabilities of a craft room mainly because my dining room table is more of a driveway for Joey's trains, planes, cars and trucks and apparently does not accommodate my sewing machine or scrapbooking supplies; plus I don't like hauling my sewing machine in and out.
-For the meantime I am sharing my dining room table with toys and meals and whipped up this cute little toss pillow in less than an hour this afternoon. I am planning for this pillow to sit on my upholstered office chair that I don't have yet. =) I love this Alexander Henry fabric and really want to incorporate this fabric for my craft space, but also still have it mesh well with a boy nursery. My dirty little secret with this pillow is that I sewed 3/4 of it and hot glued the seam shut where I stuffed in the pillow stuffing. I never learned how to whip stitch, let alone hand sew and since this pillow won't get much use I said, "why not?"
-Along with all this crafting madness comes a lot of frustration. I scored this sweet, outdated lamp for 5 bucks at a garage sale on Friday. I picked up a $4 can of light blue spray paint and went to work. The first and second layers went on great yesterday, but today when I went to put on the final layer the paint started to crack, completely ruining the finish. I failed to take the time to prime and sand it because I thought the first layer of spray paint would act as the primer and that is where I went wrong. It makes me feel very frustrated because part of the reason I take the time to visit the DIY craft blogs is to be able to do these projects and do them frugally and in my taste. Hitting that bump in the road today felt like a derailment to me. I hate not doing things right and when I make a mistake, it makes me feel timid to try again or try something new. But thankfully I have a husband and a brother who were there to give me the easy fix for a project that should look great when its done. Plus, did I mention the lamp base that is going to be blue matches the blue in the above Alexander Henry fabric?
-Yesterday was my Sister-in-Law, Katy's graduation BBQ. She got her Masters in Library Science and is officially able to be a librarian. Joey and I shot down to Olympia to hang with her and the family. Josh had to work, or he would have been in on the fun too. Joey had such a great time. He is at that age where I can sit down and enjoy conversation and food, while he can run around and play and stay out of trouble....for the most part. At one point he disappeared inside their house and I caught him with his Uncle Jason having a jam session on his drum set. I have a feeling Joey will be musically inclined.
-I realized last week that I was talking about how much I was going to miss my job after it's over next week, but good news! I am staying through the end of July as a very; very part time person. I get to break the staff in a variety of classrooms from 10:45-12:30 daily. This means I get to spend time with the kiddos and I get to sleep in and not be too worried about how much of a night owl I have been lately. Best of both worlds!
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