I had some mild Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the week that freaked me out. I never have had them before so I got worried for like 2.5 seconds, but then they stopped and all was good again.
Supposedly this is what the baby looks like this week...courtesy of Babycenter

I only say supposedly, b/c with the amount of movement and kicking that is going on in my uterus, you would think this baby was a 4 legged, octopus like sort of creature who finds pleasure in doing flips and rolls inside me in all hours of the day! Just kidding...I love the all the movement. It's one of my favorite parts of pregnancy. =)
-Nesting has officially commenced! I started on the nursery/craft room this week and let me say...it is looking amazing. Josh's parents have graciously offered up their crib they had for Joey so we don't have to buy a new one, cough (because some unnamed doctor told us that we wouldn't be able to get pregnant on our own, so we subsequently sold all of Joey's baby stuff), cough....excuse me! The crafting side of the room is pretty much complete, now I need to incorporate the nursery side. Here is a sneak peak....
This picture is now out of date though...as that ugly grey desk is no longer grey. =)
The room reveal will happen as soon as it is complete though, which will be in about a month.
-Josh took a short trip to Las Vegas with his buddy, Craig. There they met up with Pino, one of our closest friends who moved to Arizona over a year ago. They had so much fun as evidenced by the pictures and videos that Josh has shown me. I didn't even have to ask to see if they behaved in Vegas. These three boys are like the most harmless hooligans I know!
-Joey had a rough week. His words, not mine and it included all of his toys being put away in the closet for him to earn back. I changed schedules at the daycare and only go from 10:45 to 1pm, before we would start our day there at 7:30. Because Joey is a true creature of habit, the adjustment has not been easy for him, as evidenced by his unruly behavior that included potty words, hitting, kicking and pretty much being defiant. I hope its a phase, because this week was difficult for us both. As I have said before, I am very self conscience of what others think of Joey and of his behavior in general. It is amazing to see the vast difference in his attitude when he is at daycare as opposed to being at home with me. The difference is night and day and I am sure a lot of it is showing off for the other kids in his class.
-But of course Joey is still the little man of my heart and knows how to crack me up. The other day Joey somehow managed to work "boob" and "Jesus" into the same sentence. How you ask? "Mommy, Jesus is in my heart, right next to my boob." And if that wasn't enough, he also had this to say, ""Mommy, is Jesus gonna get big in my heart and make my boobs big like the baby gets big in your tummy?" I cannot make this stuff up, even if I tried!
While I was working in the craft room today Josh and Joey were outside working and playing. I looked out my window to see Joey lying toppled over in our flowers with the bike on top of him. I asked him if he was OK and all he could muster to say was, "I took the turn too sharp." Gee ya think? =)
-And finally, I really have to show off one of my coupon trips from this week at Albertson's.
I got all of this for $2.76!
Last week, there was a deal that if you bought $100 in gift cards you got a $20 coupon to use like cash on your next purchase. I bought several gift cards to use over the next couple of months for places like BabiesRUs, where I know I will be spending some serious money at soon. The only thing I didn't know what that these $20 coupons expired within the week and you could only use one per transaction, so I shopped to my hearts content. For this transaction I was able to get about 6 pounds of meat and the other obvious foods using manufacturer coupons, plus the $20 coupon for a savings of almost 99%!
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