* How Far Along: 33 weeks. Only 7 weeks left
* Size of baby: About 4 pounds and 17 inches. Think a pineapple.
* Total Weight Gain/Loss: 31 pounds, courtesy of the numerous bbq's and sweets I have been consuming.
* Maternity Clothes: Dare I say maternity shorts and flip flops? I picked up a great denim maternity skirt at target a few weeks back that I am in love with. I may have to go get another one.
* Gender: A boy, and no we don't have a name yet. =)
* Movement: Thankfully he is moved into the head down position, unfortunately this means that my lungs and ribs get the brunt of the kicks now. No big deal now, this kid doesn't let me forget for one minute that he is in there getting big and ready to make his debut!
* Sleep: To be honest and to my surprise I have been sleeping well. I have had those awful charlie horses in my calves, but really they haven't happened too much lately. I find that laying on my left side and hugging a body pillow really helps me stay comfortable. Today was the first day that I still felt really tired after getting a long nights sleep. But this doesn't surprise me in the least bit.
* What I miss: I really don't miss anything, because, really I know that my life will be changed again and for the better. My body will be different for awhile and I could care less!
* Cravings: Pickles, so cliche...I know!
* Symptoms: Hormonal mood swings...still. My knees are starting to ache along with my back.
* Best moment this week: Being told that I was the poster child for pregnancy due to my good attitude and positive mindset! I quickly thought of the first twenty weeks of pregnancy not-so-goodness but I have had a lot of people say to me how good I look and that I genuinely look like this pregnancy has not been to rough. I am grateful for the observations and I continue to feel so lucky and so happy to have this blessing come to us!
* What Joey thinks: I have never seen a kid so excited for a baby brother. He sings to my belly and is adamant that his brother share a room with him. He is eager to give him his toys and actively is on the look out for anything his brother might want or need. Joey earned a new watch from the Gap the other day for being good at the mall. He immediately said, "thank you" and then asked if his baby brother could also wear his watch. I can tell that Joey is going to be such a loving and helpful big brother!
*What I think: Going back to this baby being such a blessing when it seemed like the odds were against us makes me feel so grateful and I believe this is where the positive mindset is coming from. I have had a lot of people say to me that they feel sorry for me for being pregnant in the summer because of the heat; and to be honest it kind of perturbs me. There are going to be the rough times of pregnancy, but there are also the amazing times as well and I will take both of the extremes any day to have this second blessing in my life. And besides, it may be hot, but I am not miserable about the heat at all!
*What's next?: 36 week ultrasound the first week of August. VBAC is still a go at this stage, still praying that this happens!
picture courtesy of babycenter.com
Maybe baby will come early...on my birthday! ;)
oh dear lord Kara, if that is the case you are going to be up here helping me get ready for this baby. I've got blankets, diaper clothes, and a car seat cover to sew. Not to mention prepping freezer meals and actually finishing the nursery!
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