We barbequed with my sister and her boyfriend for lunch, but spent most of the day organizing and cleaning. Not very patriotic, but we are grateful to live in a country based on freedom and liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that we have many who fight to protect those rights.
Joey really got into the fireworks this year. Him and Daddy put on a firework show for our party of three. Joey kept asking to light more sparklers, but if you ask him, his favorite fireworks where those pellets that turn into snakes. Snakes my butt though...they really looked like piles of poo. =)
Joey was definitely Josh's little helper and really dictated what got lit when. We waited until almost dusk to start the fireworks.
I like how Joey is wearing a swimsuit, tank top and rain boots for his attire.
Josh and Joey were ready to move onto the big finale with these two fountains.
Don't be fooled by that fountain that Josh is holding. Because the finale went from this.....
To this.....
Somehow the fountain tipped over and started spraying the middle of the cul de sac with shots of the flash powder. It went every which direction and hit me in the leg and left Joey in tears, running into the house, and yelling, "I don't like THE JULY anymore!" It really could have been worse, and I am so glad Joey didn't get hit by any of the fireworks. Even at a safe distance, that last fountain was too close of a call and the show was done after that.
However, it didn't deter Joey from sitting in the middle of the cul de sac with Dad to watch the other house's fireworks (at a very safe distance).
In the end (about 10:30) we all crawled into bed and fell, surprisingly, fast asleep. Joey got the special treat of a makeshift bed out of couch cushions on the floor in our room, "just in case" the fireworks noise was too scary for him.
God Bless America!
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