It's here. It's here. It's finally here.
After several months of prepping, planning, and actually doing, I have finally finished the room that mixes two of my favorite things: babies and crafts.
Seeing that this is our second child we were both more realistic about how much the nursery would be used and had no qualms sharing a space that engulfs our office and craft room and the babies room, when he is sleeping.
Aside from the shelving unit on the wall and next to the desk every other furniture piece was either up-cycled or reused for this room. The idea was to be a frugal as possible and Ikea was my choice for the shelving that would house my scrapbooking and other craft items.
Here is a before picture....
My "blue print" (I can't find what I did with the nursery side blue print)
The color scheme inspiration was courtesy of this Alexander Henry fabric that I used to make a chair pillow and the 4 fabric covered cork boards housed on the walls that double as functionality and decor. Every other color element in the room somehow "matched" the colors on the fabric. Thankfully this really allowed to go ahead with primary colors for baby boys nursery.
A couple of the rooms elements that I am really pleased with are ones I created or re-did my self.
The desk is still that ugly industrial desk from the before picture, but a coat of white spray paint on the legs and contact paper on the top transformed it into something that I could deal with. It's big enough to sew on and do scrapbooking, but not to big that it takes over the entire room.
This beastly $5 garage sale lamp went from this...
to this...
The changing table actually used to be a desk/hutch from Ikea. My mom was selling it, so I convinced her to give it to me as my birthday present. This is my first real attempt at a painted piece of furniture and I am super happy with the finished product.
All the nursery art/decor comes courtesy of my freehand or from my beloved Silhouette. Pinterest really helped to inspire me to find decor that I deemed cute, boyish, and meshed well in the room. I am in love with the C.S. Lewis quote and knew I had to incorporate it into the room somehow.
The mobile over the crib was inspiration from SewSheSew's blog. Her's was made out of fabric, but I went for the good ol scrapbook paper and modge podge approach.
You like that curtain? Little secret...it's actually a shower curtain that I bought for the boy's bathroom, but it ended up matching so well in here that I went with it.
I was amazed to find that I had so many craft items and projects at my disposal. When I started unpacking those boxes and putting things away I opted to keep like items grouped together and for the most part visual so that I wouldn't forget what I had. I am so notorious for buying a craft medium that I already have.
I've linked up to these fabulous blog parties!

you did a fabulous job, so cute, creative...love the colors. He'll be so happy in there! Which room is next?
Super Duper Cute! Love it!
Really, really cute! Love that you incorporated all those uses into one room.
Would love to have you stop by my blog and become a follower, too!
This is amazing! I love it! I am so jealous! I am working on getting my craft room done, but its taking way too long!
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