-Things have definitely slowed down this week. The 38 week appointment was standard and they didn't check my cervix but I can tell my body is definitely practicing with the contractions. I keep putting off packing hospital bags. It probably has more to do with the fact that I have about 3 outfits that I re-wear time and time again (since they are the only ones that fit) and I don't want to have to pack one away for the return trip home. That being said, I am constantly keeping up with laundry and folding so that everything is orderly when the time comes to give birth.
For the most part I stay close to home slowly getting prepared and re-prepared for baby's arrival. Poor Joey is going a little stir crazy, but he has had no qualms watching Toy Story 3 for the billionth time! Tomorrow I will have my 39 week appointment so hopefully I will find out a little more information with dilation, etc.
-Nursery/Craft Room reveal: It's almost time to unveil the finished product. I spent the better part of this week working on nursery art and putting finishing touches together. I need Josh to hang my magazine holders today and print some pictures out and everything should be done. Of course I could keep going with this room, but then I would never finish it. Here's another little sneak peek for your viewing pleasure.

-I like to leave notes written with chalkboard pen on our bathroom mirror for Josh to read every morning when he wakes up for work. Usually they are motivational quotes, or an inside joke, or just something random. The other morning Josh left one for me that cracked me up. Short backstory: Joey and I do prayers every night. At the end I always say, "I love you all the way to the moon and back." Because we have all been going to bed about the same time Joey does Daddy's prayers for him. Basically they consist of Joey recounting our prayers, but he mixes up the words and songs and sometimes even meshes them together. Anyways, the note on the mirror read this yesterday morning...
It's hard to actually read, but it says, "I lift this all the way to the moon and back, Amen."
Joey mixed "I lift this all up in your name" and our "all the way to the moon and back" saying. Goofy kid!
-On Saturday I attended my friend Lisa's wedding down in Olympia. We've known each other since we were 14 and 15 years old playing club volleyball way back in the day and all the way thru college. It was good to see here and some of our other friends that I haven't seen in quite some time. The bride was beautiful and the ceremony was as well. I have never been inside the Capitol Rotunda, but the mix of marble staircases and the ceremony decor made it the perfect scenery for celebrating a marriage. The reception was held at Medicine Creek Winery and it was fun catching up with some friends there. I have to admit that I was a little jealous that I couldn't partake in the delicious wine offerings.
The beautiful ceremony at the Capitol Rotunda
The Bride, Julia, and I.
Julia and I
-Sunday we headed over to my brother's house for a bbq with his friends and coworkers. Joey loves going over there to see his roommates dogs and to play with toys there. I had my brother take a picture of us and he titled the following photo, "the calm before the storm." Let's hope that instead of a storm we have a couple blustery winds.
Oh my god, you (your belly) look HUGE in those wedding pics! What happened!?! lol
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