I cannot believe a full month has gone by already!
In some ways it seems like Van has been around forever; evidenced by the late nights, numerous diaper changes, and the ease of raising a second child when you are not frantic new parents. However, in these few short weeks Van has solidified a place in our hearts we never knew existed.
It has not been an easy road. Seasoned parents? Yeah, maybe. But skilled in raising an energetic 4 year old and meeting the high demands of a newborn? Nope. Nope. Nope. It is a learning journey that at times has been tiring and frustrating, but has also been rewarding and fulfilling. It is an experience that Josh and I are so grateful for and wouldn't trade for nothing.
This post wouldn't be complete without a few observations of our new life. We have all changed...for the better.
Josh: He is the champion swaddler and burper. His instincts are sharp and can usually figure out what Van needs before I do. He literally acts like a newborn pro. Josh has become an amazing cook; and dare I say better than me. Food Network and him are tight. Sunday and Monday dinners are usually his responsibility (that he is not willing to give up) and are typically very involved cooking sessions that result in a tasty dinner we have not tried before.
Keana: I surprised myself this time around. I thought that I would be laid up and only newborn baby functional for the first weeks. But I have been able to keep up with the housework and two little boys. Breastfeeding is going swimmingly. We have not had to supplement Van's feedings at all and I am so proud that I was able to stick with it this time around. I am not going to lie, it is very involved and time consuming but it has given me the chance to watch a ton of TV.
Of course the "Mom Guilt" is unbearable most of the time, I have found ways to involve Joey more in a way that does not involve him having to grow up too fast. When Van sleeps we do preschool workbooks and color. I have not found the perfect time management skills yet, but hopefully we can work into a routine here shortly. I struggle with the thought of leaving the house most of the time. The work that is involved in getting everyone ready to go is stressful, but once we are out the stress level lowers.
Joey: He is an amazing Big Brother. He is so caring and concerned about Van. I know he has struggled with the lessened attention, but he seems to be persevering through that. He offers to help me with Van, even when I don't ask. He sings to his brother, throws his diapers away and is constantly reminding me to make sure I "feed him on the other side." A majority of the Mom Guilt I feel is towards Joey. For over 4 years he was the only one. He got all the attention and never had to fight for it. I see him fight for it on a daily basis now. Of course it is natural to act out and push buttons, but I know that while he loves his little brother so much, he strives to get the amount of attention I have to give to Van at this age. I hope Joey knows that I love him so much and that this is not permanent. We currently are getting him enrolled in preschool so that he can have a little bit more time for him to be him and to get out of the house more often.
Van: In comparison, you are the easy baby. You are relaxed, a decent sleeper and only cry if you are hungry or wet. You are easy to please. However, you are the most gassy farter I know! The sounds that come out of your bottom are gross and impressive. It makes me laugh and really entertains us when you go on a 20 minute fart session at 3am. I love that your personality is starting to emerge little by little. You seem happy and I love the smiles I get from you.
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