Joey is a "go big or go home" kind of kid.
As evidence of yesterday's shenanigans, it was stuffed bear day at preschool.
I pulled down a small yet cute teddy bear from the shelf for Joey to bring to school, but oh no, he was all about bringing Howie. Remember him? We introduced him in this post in 2009. Clothes are different, but it's still the same bear Joey loves dearly.
Since I didn't have the heart to say no, or a good reason to say to, I just said a silent prayer that the teachers wouldn't get too annoyed with this over sized bear that rides on Joey's shoulders most days.
Good news is, Howie wasn't the biggest bear brought to school. Seriously?
Bad news is, Joey informed me that he had to sit next to his teacher during circle time possibly because was Howie was too big, but more likely that Joey just needed a little extra guidance on exciting days like yesterday. At one point Joey said that he had to sit on Howie's lap. Weird? No. And not surprising either.
In other new's Ernie is back. He still "get's Joey in trouble" so a lot of time he is sent to Grandma's to stay for awhile, but he always makes his way back. This has to be the reason why Joey's room is messy again. =)
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